Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Self Critique on Hamburger

I thoroughly enjoyed working on this assignment but there a few things that I would have redone a bit better. A shot list was made but we didn't stick to it as much as we probably should have. Getting some of our scenes shot from more angles would have helped greatly in being able to shorten the film by cutting some scenes a bit shorter. Being able to cut on action is something I'm always trying to do but from some of the shots but unfortunatly we (or maybe just I) didn't direct our talent as well as we could have and for some scenes they moved from a still position to doing that scene and it didn't work as well as I would have liked in the edit.

Overall, more time spent on preparation would have definitely helped when it came to the edit. There are quite a few rough cuts and problems with sound (the rain over the past 2 weeks have been killer on the audio quality) but there are also many cuts and scenes that I am very proud of.

This whole plot started off about a joke about searching for a mysterious brownie and while still somewhat of a joke (she IS doing all this to find a hamburger) it developed a lot father and better than either Nick or myself could have imagined!

Overall, sound...not as great as it could be. There are many cuts that I would have liked to have been done better and there are a few experimental things that we did that for 'dramatic effect' that we are going to get feedback on during critique today so we'll get to see how that works out and that pretty much sums it all up.